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Network Leaderboard: Single Country

Challenge Amount Raised: (GBP)
1 Lion's Whiskers £17,406
2 Howdens East Anglia £13,266
3 Howdens South East £10,425
4 Movember UK Sport Challenge £8,524
5 Howdens Head Office £6,094
6 Big Moustache on Campus Challenge UK £5,949
7 Rugby Challenge £3,634
8 Howdens South West £3,457
9 The Schools Challenge UK £3,032
10 Community Ambassador Network UK £2,718
11 University of Oxford £2,445
12 Sports Ambassadors Challenge £2,365
13 Howdens London £2,290
14 Student Ambassadors UK £1,787
15 Howdens Wales & West & NI £1,508
16 PwC London Audit £1,483
17 Howdens Scotland £1,313
18 Bangor University £1,267
19 British Land £1,018
20 Movember Alumni Club £1,000

About the challenge leaderboard

A Challenge is a group made up of individuals or teams that could represent a company, organisation, industry, sports group or something else. Search here for a Challenge to join, or to create a new Challenge contact us at info.uk@movember.com.