University of Reading


Target: £10,000
Our Motivation


Join the boys of Reading University in growing moustaches throughout November to raise money and awareness about male mental health, prostate cancer and male health.

Girls you can be involved too, you can move for Movember, host a MO-ment or Mo Your Own Way in aid of your male friends and family members.

Get involved, get your housemates, course mates and team mates involved - we're running competitions both within uni and with other universities worldwide, don't shave it for later!

The Movember Foundation runs awareness and fundraising activities year-round, with the annual Movember campaign in November being globally recognised for its fun and innovative approach to raising money and getting men to take action for their health.
We fund health programmes directly through the Movember Foundation and our men’s health partners.

1 man dies every 45 minutes from
prostate cancer in the UK

Testicular cancer is the most common cancer
in young men under 40

12 men die from suicide every day in the UK.
3 out of 4 suicides are men





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