Lancaster University


Target: £30,000
Our Motivation

Uniting Lancaster University Clubs, Societies and Students to raise money and promote awareness for Men's Health!





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Previous year's posts
11 Week(s) Ago

Hey Lancaster University Students!

Can you believe it? We're halfway through Movember! Whether you're growing, moving or hosting, a big thank you for all your support so far.

To keep up with what's going on at your university, follow @lancsmovember on Instagram for all the latest uni wide events, weekly challenges, and stories from students taking part in Movember.

Questions on how to level up your fundraising or get your event off the ground running? Contact your dedicated ambassadors Ben Chapel & Taran Ahluwalia.

Happy mo'ing!

Previous year's posts
11 Week(s) Ago

Hey Lancaster University Students!

Can you believe it? We're halfway through Movember! Whether you're growing, moving or hosting, a big thank you for all your support so far.

To keep up with what's going on at your university, follow @lancsmovember on Instagram for all the latest uni wide events, weekly challenges, and stories from students taking part in Movember.

Questions on how to level up your fundraising or get your event off the ground running? Contact your dedicated ambassadors Ben Chapel & Taran Ahluwalia.

Happy mo'ing!

117 Week(s) Ago

⚠️ It's time for a prize reminder ⚠️

Raise £150+ by the end of 10 November to claim an exclusive Movember hat. Beanie or bucket? You decide!

117 Week(s) Ago

⚠️ It's time for a prize reminder ⚠️

Raise £150+ by the end of 10 November to claim an exclusive Movember hat. Beanie or bucket? You decide!

117 Week(s) Ago

1 week in and we've already raised over £10,000 for men's health! Amazing effort everyone, this puts us in 7th place amongst the UK universities taking part in Movember this year - keep pushing for donations and let's see if we can break that top 5!

117 Week(s) Ago

1 week in and we've already raised over £10,000 for men's health! Amazing effort everyone, this puts us in 7th place amongst the UK universities taking part in Movember this year - keep pushing for donations and let's see if we can break that top 5!

118 Week(s) Ago

1 day to Mo! If you're a returning Mo Bro or Mo Sis, make sure you donate £10 to your own Mo Space before midnight to earn yourself a flag-themed Mo pin badge!

However you Mo could save a bro, let's change the face of men's health together

118 Week(s) Ago

1 day to Mo! If you're a returning Mo Bro or Mo Sis, make sure you donate £10 to your own Mo Space before midnight to earn yourself a flag-themed Mo pin badge!

However you Mo could save a bro, let's change the face of men's health together

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.