University of Oxford


Target: £37,000
Our Motivation

Welcome to the University of Oxford Challenge Page for 2023! Last year we raised a whopping £37,000 which will fund lifesaving research into Mental Health, Prostate and Testicular Cancer. Thank you to all who took part last year! This year, we want to be bigger and better than ever before. With a target of £42,000 we will need to Mo harder than ever to achieve our goal, but with a cause so important, I'm sure together we can hit our target. So come on and get involved! Whatever you grow will save a bro!





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Previous year's posts
95 Week(s) Ago


If you'd like to get your hands on some stylish OxMo stash - get signed up using the link: It will close on Monday morning so get on it quick!

Previous year's posts
95 Week(s) Ago


If you'd like to get your hands on some stylish OxMo stash - get signed up using the link: It will close on Monday morning so get on it quick!

98 Week(s) Ago

Hi All, only 4 more days to go! To all returning Mos, anyone who donates £10 to their own page by the 1st will win a Movember Pin so definitely a worthwhile investment to get the ball rolling!

98 Week(s) Ago

Hi All, only 4 more days to go! To all returning Mos, anyone who donates £10 to their own page by the 1st will win a Movember Pin so definitely a worthwhile investment to get the ball rolling!

104 Week(s) Ago

Welcome to the University of Oxford Challenge Page for 2022! Last year we raised a whopping £37,485 which will fund lifesaving research into Mental Health, Prostate and Testicular Cancer. Thank you to all who took part last year! This year, we want to be bigger and better than ever before. With a target of £42,000 we will need to Mo harder than ever to achieve our goal, but with a cause so important, I'm sure together we can hit our target. So come on and get involved! Whatever you grow will save a bro!

104 Week(s) Ago

Welcome to the University of Oxford Challenge Page for 2022! Last year we raised a whopping £37,485 which will fund lifesaving research into Mental Health, Prostate and Testicular Cancer. Thank you to all who took part last year! This year, we want to be bigger and better than ever before. With a target of £42,000 we will need to Mo harder than ever to achieve our goal, but with a cause so important, I'm sure together we can hit our target. So come on and get involved! Whatever you grow will save a bro!

357 Week(s) Ago

10th in the UK! Let's catch Exeter. #DarkBlueMoustaches

357 Week(s) Ago

10th in the UK! Let's catch Exeter. #DarkBlueMoustaches

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.