Sending in Cash, Cheque or Charity Voucher Donations
Friends and family can donate to your Movember efforts in several ways:
1. The easiest way for donors to support your moustache and your efforts to change the face of men’s health is to donate directly to your Mo Space using a debit or credit card, or PayPal. They can search for you or your team and make a secure, online donation.
2. Donors who like to keep it simple, who believe the pen is mightier than the keyboard, can also post in a cheque or charity voucher made out to ‘Movember.’ Don’t forget to include a note with your Member ID/Registration Number on. You can find your Member ID/Registration Number in the menu labelled ‘Your Campaign Info’ on the right hand side your Mo Space page. Send cheques or charity vouchers to:
Movember Europe
PO Box 68600
United Kingdom
PO Box 68600
United Kingdom
Please DO NOT send in cash; instead, deposit it using one of the below options. If your donors require a receipt, please mark clearly on the donation form that this is the case - we can send one back to you.
3. You can make a bank transfer to us or deposit cash donations into our bank account in person. Please get in touch with us to request our bank details.
If you deposit cash into a bank please remember to attach the deposit slip given to you by the bank teller to any forms you complete for us (we need these to claim back gift aid on donations) and send them to us at the address given by our staff.
4. Your friends who want to make you do all the work can give you cash (or a cheque) directly. Here’s how to do it:
Collect and add up all cash and cheque donations that you’ve received and pay the lump sum online with a debit or credit card donation directly from the Add Cash Donation section of your Mo Space.
You can also deposit the cash donations into our bank account and take either steps 2 or 3.
Please DO NOT send in cash.
Have any questions or wish to donate in another way? Mo HQ is here to help! Contact us and we’ll be happy to walk you through this process and simplify things for you: or +44-207-952-2060.