16 September 2013

This Movember, we fight for change and will not stop until we are heard. We are Gen Mo.

What is Gen Mo?
The last few years have been all about the gentlemen of Movember – the country and modern gentlemen, the one who shares and receives knowledge from his elders. We realise all these gentlemen have something in common: they are renegades, they stand united for change. They are part of Generation Moustache. The moustache is their catalyst.

The Mo Bros and Mo Sistas of Generation Moustache are guided by wolves, protected by snakes. The wolf is the revered symbol of Gen Mo, a warrior. The power of the wolf brings forth instinct, intelligence, an appetite for freedom and an awareness of the importance and power of social connections; qualities held true by the Mo Bros and Mo Sistas of Gen Mo. The snake is a symbol of revolution, knowledge, medicine, life and unity. Gen Mo is the sum of all these things, with each tip of every Mo grown being as powerful as that of a snake.

This Movember, we fight for change. We stand up for what we believe in, not accepting the humdrum or the tried-and-tested.  Conventions will be challenged and the boat will rock. The ranks will swell, the borders will break and our numbers will force change. We don’t just accept our responsibility, we welcome it. The road less travelled will be our path and, united under one flag, we will not stop until we are heard. This year, Mo Bros and Mo Sistas will shape the future of men’s health. Crank up the volume, make some noise and fight the good fight.

There is strength in numbers - let’s ride the lightning. This is Movember. You are Generation Moustache. We are Gen Mo.

SIGN UP here.