We have teamed up with Amplid to release special limited edition skis and snowboard this winter and Amplid will donate full profit of this collaboration to the Movember Foundation. Designed and manufactured in the Alps, these high performance shreds are available here.COMPETITION: We will also be giving away one of these awesome snowboards to one lucky winner! To enter the competition, please visit our Facebook page, find the Snowboard and post a selfie of you and your Mo or Misstache in the most extreme places you can get it. On top of a mountain, in the sea, up a tree, deep underground - get creative. You must also post your Mo Space URL to prove you've raised the £50 minimum needed to be eligible.

Mo Bros, drop everything!... Unless you're holding a bacon sandwich.
Get yourselves onto HP Sauce’s facebook page here and post a picture of your now mature Mo, along with your Mo Space URL, to be in with a chance to win your face on a limited edition Movember HP Sauce bottle and one lucky Mo Bro will win an amazing £1,000 donation to your Mo Space from HP Sauce!
Click here to enter.