Check out just a few of the gems that are on the table:

Movember Co-Founder Travis Garone visited the hidden gem in London, Barber & Parlour, where Neville Barbershop is shaping up Mo Bros’ moustaches in the capital and keeping them neat with their moustache wax. Neville will be donating 30% of sales of the Mo Wax to The Movember Foundation - awesome.Mo Sistas can also check out the Cheeky Parlour upstairs as they wait for their Mo Bro to be styled. Something for everyone!
For more info on Barber and Parlour click here
To purchase the official Mo Wax please click here.

MOVING every day can have a huge impact on your overall health. Check out the Speedo A Mo Swim Challenge by downloading the Speedo Fit App and workout by swimming moustache shapes around the world.Mo Sista Ali Flowers is taking on the 30 day MOVE challenge via the Speedo app. We caught up with Ali about her progress:
Movember: Why are you taking on the Movember Challenge on the Speedo Fit app?
Mo Sista Ali: Since I got injured, swimming has always been my exercise of choice. I started getting lazy and stopped for no real reason. This was the perfect way to get back into it and raise funds for an amazing cause. The app is the perfect way to track my progress and I find myself looking forward to inputting my distance at the end of my swim.
Movember: How are you fitting the swims into your daily life?
Ali: I am lucky the Olympic pool in Stratford (London) is open until 10:30pm. As I am a night person, I go after work, I get back late but I always seem to see fellow Mo Bros and Mo Sistas there, which always lifts my spirits.
Movember: What advice would you give to people looking to get in the pool?
Ali: Don’t judge swimming on your first attempt to swim laps. Most people that try to swim end up sprinting instead of slowly getting into a rhythm because it is hard to gauge your pace. Swimming fitness develops really quickly, so work on slowing down and focusing on technique.
Movember: What has been the hardest part of the challenge?
Ali: Finding the time and energy! I have found this a real challenge as some days I am utterly exhausted. But when I don’t see the kms clocking up on the app I start to feel guilty, so push myself to stop being lazy!
Movember: Has it improved your health?
Ali: Definitely. Mentally I feel happier & physically I feel stronger and more comfortable with my body. It also stops me going out as much because who wants to swim with a hangover?!
Check out the App HERE and swim yourself fit today!

We took one of the Movember Santander cycles to the House Of Vans for a photo shoot with BMX tutor Dini Kennedy! Remember to take a picture and share with #MoCycle if you see a Santander Cycle with a Moustache on the front; Santander will then donate to Movember.... and keep and eye out for the elusive golden Mo's (we call them a #BoJoMo - geddit?) - gold = more donation!Check them out on Twitter here and get spotting.

If you haven’t heard already, HP Sauce are back on board! 2015 marks the 5th year of our partnership with HP. This year HP Sauce will be offering 50 Mo Bros and Mo Sistas the chance to win the chance to have their faces on the iconic bottle... much like the winner of the 2014 competition, Dave Wardrope! Dave is currently the face of the Movember HP Sauce bottle and you can find in thousands of supermarkets, cafes and restaurants across the UK.HP Sauce is also running a competition for Mo Bros and Mo Sistas to win a generous helping of donations on your Mo Space. For more information on both competitions, check them out on Facebook here.

Rufus Hound, comedian and actor, shows his support for the Movember Foundation with his limited edition Movember X Lucky Seven cap. It's a great way to rock the Mo without having one on your face (or even as well as!) and these guys have been crafting bespoke Mo caps since way back, so you know it's the good stuff.To purchase this cap or create your very own Movember cap, please visit their website here and snap one up today.