Hawks' and Ospreys'


Our Motivation

Join the Hawks' and Ospreys' Clubs in supporting Movember and men's health this year.

Movember is the leading charity addressing men's health, and this Movember we, the Hawks’ and Ospreys' Clubs, are joining them. Together we can make a difference for men's health – in prostate cancer, testicular cancer, mental health and suicide prevention.
We feel that sports represent a huge opportunity in which to address mental health and suicide prevention, and so we’re particularly keen to get as many of our members past and present, all of who have benefited from sport, involved this Movember!

All donations are welcome, but if you’d also like to take part:
- Be sure to shave clean on November 1st, and take a picture.
- Send us progress/final pictures to the Hawks' and/or Ospreys Facebook and Instagram, or email me (efnt2@jbs.cam.ac.uk), to feature on this page and on our social media sites. The more Hawks’ or Ospreys' stash involved, the better!
- Make any donation you can via this page. These can be anonymous or named!

Mo well.





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Previous year's posts
176 Week(s) Ago

Hello again,

Well done to everyone that has started on their Mo's, Movement and/or fundraising. Feel free to share your progress, either on here or by sending photos to the Hawks' or Ospreys' socials, and we can hopefully build a bit more hype.

Most importantly we need to practice what we preach: keep checking up on your mates and your own mental and physical health. Loads of info about this on the Movember website.

And (me included), it would be great if we can get more balls rolling on fundraising: If everyone raised just £10 more, we would almost double our current total...

GDBO and Mo well in BUCS tomorrow,


Previous year's posts
176 Week(s) Ago

Hello again,

Well done to everyone that has started on their Mo's, Movement and/or fundraising. Feel free to share your progress, either on here or by sending photos to the Hawks' or Ospreys' socials, and we can hopefully build a bit more hype.

Most importantly we need to practice what we preach: keep checking up on your mates and your own mental and physical health. Loads of info about this on the Movember website.

And (me included), it would be great if we can get more balls rolling on fundraising: If everyone raised just £10 more, we would almost double our current total...

GDBO and Mo well in BUCS tomorrow,


Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.