JR Mitchell
6  year  Mo Bro


raised £166 since 2014
My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Mental health and suicide prevention

Mental health issues are becoming ever more common in our society. One in four people will struggle with mental illness at some point in their lives, and approximately 70% of these people will not receive treatment for it. This is due partly to a lack of funding and resources, and partly due to the social stigma around mental health. Whilst certainly not a struggle unique to men, many men in our society are brought up to believe that they should just “man up” in the face of emotional troubles, and this fosters an environment where they may feel afraid to seek the support they deserve. I was fortunate that, growing up in a household with a family member who struggles with depression, talking openly about mental health was normalised for me during my upbringing. I’m taking part in Movember not only with the hope of raising some financial contribution to the teams and organisations out there giving mental health support, but also to be another voice advocating for more open communication about mental health, so that maybe I can contribute my small amount to building a society where people feel less afraid to seek help and talk about what they are experiencing.

How I'm
getting involved
Team captain James Cowan
£0 Team funds raised
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