Patrick Sullivan
3  year  Mo Bro
Hosting an event


raised £145 since 2011
My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Men's health

I have issues with Movember being necessary: the fact it a huge one month blip in awareness, the lumping together of complex men's health issues, the need for gimmick to get blokes talking.

But, hey, I love a good tache and it is still a very NECESSARY campaign, even more so during the pandemic.

My motivation is to hear more men comfortable speaking honestly about how they feel. Whether proud of a success, worried about money, or suffering from poor mental health. It's important for men to be open and seek the right support if they need it for both their physical and mental health.

Seeing a doctor or a therapist is not a failure of strength and masculinity, but a step towards a healthier life and more time in the world with those who love you. Help prevent the deaths of young men with plenty to look forward to, and please spread the word on the excellent work of Talk Club as we facilitate the mental fitness conversation among men.

How I'm
getting involved
UoB Talk Club & Project Talk
Team captain Patrick Sullivan
£0 Team funds raised
0 of 60 kilometres
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Ben Johnson

Nice one lad

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Ben Johnson

Nice one lad

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