James Parkin
3  year  Mo Bro


Target: £500
raised £1,358 since 2021
My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Mental health and suicide prevention
Testicular cancer

Testicular cancer is the most commonly diagnosed cancer in young men. Help me stop men dying too young.

How I'm
getting involved
Lancaster University Men’s Cricket Club
Team captain James Parkin
£0 Team funds raised
0 of 60 kilometres
Your feed

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Previous year's posts
40 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Nige / Chris Fincher

Well done 'Cousin' - great effort & great cause. Loadsa Love Nige & Chris (Fincher Brothers). XX

Previous year's donations
40 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Nige / Chris Fincher

Well done 'Cousin' - great effort & great cause. Loadsa Love Nige & Chris (Fincher Brothers). XX

Previous year's posts
40 Week(s) Ago

Hi James,

I wanted to say a huge thank you for the amazing amount you have raised – you’re a Mo Legend and you’ve secured your spot in our exclusive Platinum Club 2023!

You’re helping to change the face of men’s health. To find out more about the Platinum Club go to movember.com/platinumclub

You’ll get an email in the next few weeks with details of how to claim your Platinum Club rewards. We hope you enjoy a well-earned break!

United we Mo

Polly, Mo HQ

40 Week(s) Ago

Hi James,

I wanted to say a huge thank you for the amazing amount you have raised – you’re a Mo Legend and you’ve secured your spot in our exclusive Platinum Club 2023!

You’re helping to change the face of men’s health. To find out more about the Platinum Club go to movember.com/platinumclub

You’ll get an email in the next few weeks with details of how to claim your Platinum Club rewards. We hope you enjoy a well-earned break!

United we Mo

Polly, Mo HQ

41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
an anonymous supporter
41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
an anonymous supporter
41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Richard Parkin

Well done Jim Jam,
Live Badger xx

41 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Richard Parkin

Well done Jim Jam,
Live Badger xx

42 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Misbah & Chris Ashraf

Great cause! Well done James.

42 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Misbah & Chris Ashraf

Great cause! Well done James.

42 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Tom Morgan
42 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Tom Morgan
42 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Ed Richardson
42 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Ed Richardson
Previous year's activities
42 Week(s) Ago
I ran 5.4 km

42 Week(s) Ago
I ran 5.4 km

42 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 18 km

42 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 18 km

43 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 12 km

43 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 12 km

43 Week(s) Ago
I ran 5 km

43 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 9 km

44 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Caroline Willetts

Happy birthday James and good luck with what you are doing.
Love from us all at number 46

44 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Margaret Saunders

Keep up the good work Jimbo,
Love Nanny xx

44 Week(s) Ago
I walked 25 km

2 days walking round Edinburgh :)

45 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 5 km

45 Week(s) Ago
I ran 18 km


45 Week(s) Ago
I ran 5 km

46 Week(s) Ago

Hi James,

Thank you for answering the call of the Mo, it’s great to have you back on board! Last year you hit the giddy heights of our Platinum Club and we can’t thank you enough for your amazing support.

Thanks to you, more men can live healthier and longer lives. To read about some of the projects you’ve helped to fund in 2023 go to movember.com/impact

We’re here to guide you on your Mo journey so please get in touch if you need anything at all. Mo on!

Anne-Cecile, Mo HQ

92 Week(s) Ago


I wanted to reach out personally to say thank you for the amazing amount you've raised – you’re a Mo Legend and you’ve made it into our exclusive Platinum Club!

Thanks to you, more men can live healthier, happier and longer lives. To read about some of the projects you have helped to fund go to movember.com/impact

Look out for Platinum Club rewards coming your way and I hope you had a great Movember!

Mo wishes


95 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 5 km

Cycle at gym

96 Week(s) Ago
I ran 5 km

Run :)

96 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 5 km

Morning cycle

96 Week(s) Ago
I ran 5 km

Run that followed the cycle at the gym :

96 Week(s) Ago
I cycled 5 km

cycle at the gym :)

98 Week(s) Ago
I ran 5 km00:28:00

First 5k of the month !!

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.