Joey Cleary
3  year  Mo Bro


raised £709 since 2019
My motivation
Fundraising for cause areas including:
Mental health and suicide prevention

The rate of suicide amongst young people, particularly young men, is ridiculously high and in a civilised world we cannot allow so many of our young people to suffer in this way.
Even if Movember only saved one person's life it would be worth it. By raising money we ensure that as many people as possible can be helped.
That's why I'm raising money for Movember.

How I'm
getting involved
UCL Emperors American Football
£0 Team funds raised
0 of 60 kilometres
I'm moving 60km this Movember for the 60 men we lose each hour of every day.
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Previous year's posts
146 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
Previous year's donations
146 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
146 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
146 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
146 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
146 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
146 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
146 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Facebook Fundraising
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Harry Wilkinson
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Harry Wilkinson
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Graeme Alfille-cook

Good for you Joey!

198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Graeme Alfille-cook

Good for you Joey!

198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
an anonymous supporter
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
an anonymous supporter
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Ashley Conroy
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Ashley Conroy
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Saadat Wadud
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Saadat Wadud
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Marie-Ann Harvey

I’m so proud of you, this is beyond insane you absolutely psycho unit. Well done b xx

198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Marie-Ann Harvey

I’m so proud of you, this is beyond insane you absolutely psycho unit. Well done b xx

198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Ruby Stoddart
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Ruby Stoddart
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Hannah Van Vijfeijken

Good luck Joey

198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Hannah Van Vijfeijken

Good luck Joey

198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Layla Meulenbelt
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Layla Meulenbelt
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Joseph Alfille-Cook
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Joseph Alfille-Cook
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Alexandra van Vijfeijken
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Alexandra van Vijfeijken
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Iqra Shahid
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
Iqra Shahid
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
an anonymous supporter
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
an anonymous supporter
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
an anonymous supporter
198 Week(s) Ago
Donation from:
an anonymous supporter
Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.