Fundraising can be as simple as getting everyone at work to donate a pound, to going the extra mile for the big bucks. Here are a few suggestions if you're stuck on how to make the Mo earn its keep.
The 100 Club
The goal of The 100 Club is to get one hundred Mo Bros and Mo Sistas on this one team. Simple. Forging a base in Tooting Bec, London, it has now upped roots and moved to Dubai to spread the hairy word far and wide. Setting goals doesn’t just have to be for fundraising – aiming for a dream team number, such as the 100 club have done, can be just as effective at raising a serious amount for funds for men’s health.
Breaking it down
You do the Math. Get 50 people to donate £5 each, or 200 people to donate £2 or 1000 just one pound each (or 1 person to donate a £1000? Can’t hurt to ask). Doing this is an easy way to achieve really significant amounts – breaking it down also makes it seem more achievable for those who are donating, showing them that they can really make a big difference with a relatively small donation.
Feed for funds
Maybe your strength lie in the kitchen? Try hosting an event by cooking a slap up meal for your Mo Bro and Mo Sistas (or any potential future Mo's!) and asking for a £10 donation for the privilege. They'll have a good time, you'll get some solid donations and you'll all be full of moustache fuel. Try Mo Bro Simon Fernandez' Salt 'n' Pepper Steak Naan Wrap on for size.
Stick to what you know
Keen photographer? Fan of the gym? Masseur extraordinaire? Why try and force yourself into some unknown territory, when the ideal way to fundraise is right on your doorstep! Offer free portraits for Mo Bros and Mo SIstas in exchange for a small donation, get your whole work force to sponsor you to do 5,000 squats in the gym over the month, or offer an hour of top grade massaging to the winner of a slient auction. The world is your oyster.
What have you done?!
Think your Mo looks great but what to really stand out form the crowd? Thinking about spicing up your Movember, but not sure how? Why not set up an auction for the right to decide the colour of your moustache. The winner gets to pick what colour you dye your moustache. Thought you got odd looks on the street before? This will change the game...

18 November 2014
Here are a few suggestions if you're stuck on how to make the Mo earn its keep.
Fundraising Tips