Mo Bro William Heath is raising funds and awareness for Movember in memory of his grandfather Robin Wickham, who passed away in February after a long battle with pancreatic, prostrate and testicular cancer.
Aged 12, William is a keen Northampton Rugby fan and is one of the many Mo Bros in the Front Mo Union, led by England and Northampton Hooker, Dylan Hartley. The Front Mo Union raised around £48,000 last year putting them 13th in the world ranking, but now have an exceptional addition to the team with Will already gaining nearly £3,500 in donations, they are looking towards another successful year.
William might not yet be able to cultivate a Mo like some older Mo Bros, but he knows that a bit of creativity can go a long way when it comes to changing the face of men’s health. He (with the help of his Mum) has been choosing outfits and dressing up as different famous moustachioed Mo Bros from history evey day. This is a great idea for someone like Will who can't grow a Mo, but still wants to show his support for Movember, the moustache and men's health.
He has already dressed up as Captain Hook, Nick "The Honey Badger" Cummins, John Lennon and Super Mario, so check out William's Mo Space to see all of his amazing costumes and to make a donation to this poineering Mo Bro doing his bit for his late grandfather and for men's health.