Show that Mo some love! Don’t hide behind a generic avatar – reveal that mighty moustache and its owner with an updated profile picture.2. YOUR MOTIVATION – CUSTOMISE IT
You’ve made the commitment – now tell the Mo community why. Mo Bros and Mo Sistas are thinkers, makers and doers. What are you thinking, making and doing? Keep us in the loop.3. GET TOGETHER - JOIN A TEAM
Every Mo Bro and Mo Sista that rallies with you only helps to create more change, so why not start or join a team? Unite and support your local Mo communities.4. MAKE NOISE – GET SOCIAL
Don’t leave it all up to your face - get on your social networks or email lists and tell people about Made In Movember and why you want to make a difference. If you look on the right side of your Mo Space, you'll see we’ve even put together some pre-prepared social templates to get you started.5. FLASH YOUR BADGE – MO SPACE BADGES
Increase your moustache rep with Mo Space badges. These let everyone know how long you’ve been growing and get your achievement badges for knowing your health history, whipping your Mo Space into shape and reaching Platinum Club Status.6. KNOW YOUR SURROUNDINGS – THE MO SPACE DIRECTORY
Become acquainted with your Mo Space directory – along the right hand side of your page you can find out about donations and badges, and along the top you can get useful info on your team, networks and how to redeem rewards.7. LOOK THE PART – CUSTOM DOWNLOADS
Give your Mo the attention it deserves by downloading personalised donation cards, Facebook timeline cover photos or even some posters of your fine face! Your very own Mo memorabilia, make it happen.8. MOVING FORWARD - STAY STRONG
Keep things moving along by updating your Mo Space, donating, posting on your team wall and building conversation. Never underestimate the power of what you and your group can achieve.If you are having trouble with anything, don't hesitate to give us an email.