After many generations, the Cerne Abbas Giant (Dorset) made a stand for men's health.
'Alfie Mo' - aptly named after Alfred Bird, the founder and original owner of the Custard Factory, came to life in Digbeth, Birmingham. Standing at 30m tall and boasting a handlebar moustache over six foot in length, Alfie is the UK's tallest active Mo Bro! Check the video above to see how Alfie came to be.

It wasn't just the Mo Bros that were growing this Movember - Moustaches we popping up on planes, trains and automobiles all over the country, taking it to the streets, the rails and the skies!
Mo Skate Challanges were hosted at 5 parks across the country, from Edinburgh to Nottingham, where Mo Bros and Mo Sistas could hang out and skate. There's were DJs, giveaways, competiions and a whole load of Mo's on wheels trying new things and dropping in at the deep end.

Movember GOALS tournaments were held at 43 GOALS Soccer Centre up and down the country during the month, giving Mo Bros and Mo Sistas the chance to put boot to ball and battle it out on the turf for men's health.

Surely one of the largest grass Mo's on the planet, these farming Mo Bros from Country Derry, Northern Ireland, show us how they took Movember to the next level.

Sandown Race course in Esher, Surrey, hosted a Gentlemen's Day for all the Mo Bros wanting to experience all that it means to be a gentleman and to parade their Mo's. We also held a Mo Bro Derby on the final furlong, seeing whose moustache would cross the line first. It was won by a whisker.

Getting Mo Bros and Mo Sistas out of their seats and into their running trainers, these 5 or 10k Mo Runs are what's changing the face of men's health is all about. Getting some physical exercise in, while having fun with mates and spreading the word. Raising pulses and awareness since way back.

Our friends at Gillette orchestrated the world's largest shaving lesson at London's Westfield shopping centre, and hundreds of eager Mo Bros turned up for the attempt. With officials from GUINNESS WORLD RECORDStm present, we broke a world record!

We celebrated the wild nights and hairy days of Movember the only way we knew how - in costume and on the dancefloor. There were 9 official Gala Partés held across the UK for the end of month celebrations, with many more of you holding your own Mo Parties. Here are the Men of Movember, the embodiment of all that is Mo in the UK, from each Gala.