Mo sista Georgina spenceley
“It was only a week before 2012's Movember when I found out my dad was being tested for prostate cancer. I was, obviously, torn. My dad, who I've had a very strong relationship with, could be... well, I didn't even want to think about what could be. As the days went by I could see more and more buzz about Movember. Friends had done it in the past, so I already knew about the event, but I'd never thought about taking part myself... until then. All it took was a single tweet of encouragement from a friend to convince me!"“So that was it, come 31st October (the day before Movember!) I had signed up. Being a girl I had some obvious issues, but jumped online and ordered myself two packs of stick on moustaches in various colours and styles and planned my Movember adventure. My first Mo was an improvisation, a twist on the rules of Movember where all participants have to start the day with a clean shaven face. It went down a treat! I started worrying that my stick on Mo's wouldn't arrive in time and the next few days would be difficult, but luckily by the next day they had arrived. Every day my routine was the same: come home from work, assemble Movember costume, snap photo, Instagram and Tweet photo (I used the hashtag #georgemosista on Instagram for anyone who wants to see the whole collection!). Most of the outfits were made up of my own clothing and makeshift items, but I also had to beg and borrow.
“My alter egos ranged from the weird and wonderful to the downright scary! Everyone seemed to have a different favourite Mo. The support I received was amazing, and with just a day's preparation and 30 days of dressing up like a prat I was so proud to have raised £260 for the men's health charities supported my Movember. 30 days and 30 Mo's later, I had raised £260."
“Halfway through Movember, my dad's results came back confirmed as Stage 2 prostate cancer. It was suggested by his doctor that prostatectomy was the best option. My dad weighed up the options, did a lot of research and opted for private surgery - he was starting a new job and wanted the surgery done before then. In January 2013, the surgery was completed. After a few days recovery my dad was home and now there was just the wait. After the surgery, the removed gland was analysed and the doctors re-staged his cancer as borderline Stage 3. It seems we got there just in time. Nine months on, my dad is doing well and is, so far, cancer free."
“Without funding, the research and awareness campaigns run by Prostate Cancer UK and the Institute of Cancer Research would not be possible. I credit this for the series of events that led to my dad visiting the doctor in the first place, being diagnosed, and having such a successful surgery."
“So here I am, a year later, donning my stick on Mo's with a big smile on my face and as a massive "thank you" for giving me my dad back fit and healthy."
“This year, my Movember adventure was bigger and better. I have been running with a theme of "Mo's of the World", taking on a different nationality every day. Some favourites have been the Maori Mo, the Viking Mo, and the Arabian Mo, and so far this year I have raised £175."
“To support me in this year's Movember activities, make sure you check out hashtags #georgemosista and #worldmos on Twitter and Instagram, and keep up to date at glspenceley.wix.com/georgemosista where there is a Mo Map and all of my Movember photos."
“You can also check out my many Mo’s and donate to my Movember page here: http://mosista.co/georgespence."
To help change the face of men's health donate today