Mo Sista Rosa Glover
In August last year, Rosa’s dad passed away after losing his battle with prostate cancer. With her Dad’s strength, courage and selflessness in his last few months as inspiration, Rosa embarked on her first Movember journey with guts and determination. She set a goal and made it enticing for her sponsors – vowing to get a moustache tattooed on her finger if they raised 10 thousand pounds.Rosa devised a plan to make her fundraising target seem more feasible: '‘I did it by breaking my target down into chunks that people feel they can help me achieve. If I say 'I'm trying to raise 10K', people feel like it's impossible, and they couldn't possibly give enough to help. But the minute you break it down, 'I'm trying to get 1000 people to give £10', people feel like they can be part of something that's achievable.’'
Rosa says she was inspired to do something that would make her Dad laugh - '‘I can still see the amused look on his face whenever I unveiled my next new plan, whatever that may be.’' She also added, ''I just wish I'd known more about prostate cancer before it was too late'', and encourages daughters everywhere to talk about it openly with their dads and brothers.
On encouraging other Mo Sistas, Rosa says, '‘Tell your story to your friends, tell them why you're passionate, and tell them why they should care. Don't be afraid to lead.’'
To help change the face of men's of men's health donate here.