Movember Salutes the Mo Bros and Mo Sistas of the United Kingdom
Significant support has been seen from across the country with sports teams, local and national businesses, teachers and community groups all getting involved in Movember by either growing Mos or supporting those who have cultivated a furry upper lip all month.
Movember Country Manager Sarah Coghlan says, ‘Support from communities across the United Kingdom has played an invaluable part in creating a movement for better men's health across the country. It makes a difference for Mo Bros to see other Mos and give them the nod of support. ‘
As Movember comes to a close the campaign looks to see its biggest fundraising week of the year, adding to the £13.9 Million that has already been raised in the UK in 2012.
Funds raised in the UK support men's health initiatives funded by Movember itself and their men's health partners Prostate Cancer UK and The institute of Cancer Research
For further information, local case studies, interviews and imagery please contact: ukmedia@movember.com or for urgent enquiries call Aletheia on 07702793810
About Movember
Movember, the month formerly known as November, is when brave and selfless men around the world grow a moustache, with the support of the women in their lives, to raise awareness and funds for men’s health - specifically prostate and testicular cancer.
· Movember is about real men growing real moustaches and talking about real issues
· The Moustache is a ribbon for men’s health
· Movember is about changing the face of men’s health, one moustache at a time
· There are over 357,000 people supporting the 2012 campaign in the UK
· In 2011 over 254,000 Mo Bros and Mo Sistas raised over £22 million in the UK
· Globally almost £50 Million has already been raised in 2012
· Movember has grown to become a truly global movement with campaigns in 21 countries in 2012
Key Health Messages UK
· 1 in 9 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in the UK – one man is diagnosed every 15 minutes
· A man will die from prostate cancer every hour - more than 10,000 men will die of the disease this year in the UK
· African Caribbean men are three times more likely to develop prostate cancer
· You are 2.5 times more likely to develop prostate cancer if your father or brother has had it
· Occurrences of prostate cancer in men are comparable to the rates of breast cancer in women
· 2,209 men in the UK were diagnosed with testicular cancer in 2009
· 47% of testicular cancer cases occur in men under 35 years and over 90% occur in men under 55 years