“In July 2014 Dad received a far-too-late prostate cancer diagnosis. If it had been caught earlier then maybe the story would have ended differently. Hormone treatment initially helped to slow the spread of the cancer into the bones. He endured multiple radiotherapies to zap tumours across his body helping him to stay a little bit more mobile while trial drugs worked to extend his life a little longer.
Ironically, he had even joined me to grow a Mo one year, but once the hormone treatment started he couldn’t grow a whisker. Dad put on a brave battle. He hung on to life until the last day of Movember 2017 when he passed away peacefully, holding my hand.
Dad is my unwavering inspiration for sharing the message of Movember - urging the men out there to get themselves checked out before it’s too late.”
Steve has been fundraising all month with his HSBC Mo Bro's and Mo Sisters team.