With one month to go before the 1st November, Movember launches ‘Whatever you Grow will save a Bro’ to encourage all men to help raise awareness and funds whoever they are and no matter the type or size of moustache they can achieve.
This year’s campaign includes a new TV advert voiced by Welsh actor Rhys Ifans (Notting Hill, Harry Potter). Rhys commented, “I’m overjoyed to be able to support Movember, I’ve grown a moustache a few times in support of the charity in the past and I think ‘Whatever You Grow’ is a great campaign.
It’s a fun one for men particularly to get on board with to support their brothers who are suffering, and to raise awareness for conditions that might affect any of us, or if not us someone we know and love.”
Rhys also did a version of the campaign in Welsh. Rhys continued “I’m also really proud and pleased that we were also able to do this in Welsh because men’s health has no borders and it actually sounds very beautiful in Welsh too.”
This year, we're highlighting the meaning behind the moustache, featuring men in the advert that have suffered from testicular cancer, prostate cancer, or mental health problems. One scene features 67-year-old Jim Thompson with his three sons.
Jim, who has terminal prostate cancer and has raised over £60,000 for Movember said:
“I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in late summer 2010 and in November 2011 I decided I needed to do something to raise money to aid research into cancer and try to do whatever I can to raise awareness of male cancers especially prostate cancer.
I would like to think that the work we have done has also saved the lives of men I have spoken to about prostate cancer. My pipedream is to get to £100,000 before I die but I realise now that that will be improbable.
I am incredibly proud that myself and my three sons were asked to be a part of the new Movember campaign. The drugs trial which is keeping me alive (massive doses of female hormones) means I have lost most of my body hair and now only have to shave once a week at the most, so the chance of me growing a Mo is slim, but I still raise funds every November and want to encourage as many people as possible to get involved – no matter how your Mo will look.
My consultants tell me I have between 24 and 36 months left and although I have no reason to disbelieve them I will do whatever I can to prove them wrong.”
Movember’s Executive Director, Simon Traynor, said: “‘Whatever you Grow will save a Bro’ arose from the insight that some men want to support the charity but feel embarrassed by their facial hair, or its perceived inadequacy. We want men to know that even shit moustaches will save lives.”
Sign up to Grow, Move or Host at Movember.com to change the face of men’s health.
To donate to Jim Thompson, go to: mobro.co/geordiejim