It's almost the end of the month, and if you're still struggling to get off the mark or you're stuck in a rut, here are some quick and simple tips to help you stoke the fire of fundraising:
- Company pound matching – most large companies will have a pound matching scheme, so check in with your HR department and see what they can to help you fundraising. Check out the donor FAQs for more info.
- Turn everything into a competition – paper in the recycling? Sounds like an opportunity to beat your mates at a game of accuracy, £5 to the winner. Walking upstairs for a meeting? First one to the top gets £2 on their Mo Space.
- Auction off shaving rights – Most people have had their fill of moustaches come the 1st of December, so why not auction the right to shave off your top lip friend as you bid it farewell until next year.
- Dying for the weekend – time for one last push while you’ve got it; tell your mates that if you reach £100 you’ll have a bleached blond Mo for the remaining days of Movember. Release the inner wrestler!
- Let's get social - Make use of these social shares and get your mates on Facebook and Twitter to understand why you’re growing an awesome moustache for Movember – they may be surprised to find out it’s not just to look good!
- Halftime Fuel - Got a game at the weekend? Put a Movember spin on the classic orange segments and provide your hungry team with some special half time treats and ask for fiver each for the pleasure.
- Team Gym Sesh - Arrange an impromptu group work out with your mates down the local gym, £10 per head, prizes for the fastest run, heaviest weights, longest cycle, penalties for first to quit – all in the name of men’s health. Then back to yours for cuppa tea and ice packs.
- Feed the Mo – organise a 3 course slap up dinner for your nearest and nearest. Ask for £20 a head and give them a night to remember. Big sharer platters or ‘create your own’ get people involved and chatting. Not a maestro in the kitchen? Get 2 mates on board and take a course each, with the punters voting for their fave.

- Dress to impress - Get your mates to sponsor you to look like a fool for the remaining days. Got some garish lycra from the uni days? Get it out the cupboard and on your legs. Still got that eye-sore of a hawaiian shirt you wish you never bought? Whip it out, shove it on. It'll make conferences, PTA meetings and the queue at the post office just a bit more exciting/embarassing - anything to start a conversation!
- Weekend Cycle - Not got off the mark yet? Get down the gym and ask for £1 for every kilometre you cycle. The more people you get signed up, the more you'll raise - it'll spur you on to go as far as you can if your typically tight mates think they're gettign off lightly! Grab a sponsorship form here.
- The Bank of Mum & Dad - If you haven't already tapped them up, ask the dear old parents, or the grand parents, if they wouldn't mind supporting your Movember efforts. They've probably supported you most of you life, so what's another £20 between relatives?
- Self-Donation - Have you even given yourself a few quid yet? Loads of people forget to do the simplest thing that may just be the start of a landslide of their mates following suit. Give yourself a tenner and ask everyone to match it.

- Mo for longer - Don't think your tip lip fella is worth much at the mo? Why not commit to growing it unitl the New Year? You'll have a much bushier ofering and people might be more inclined to give.
- Mo Mo Mo, Hairy Christmas! - Struggling to get much out of your tight-fisted mates? Tell them a donation to your Mo Space counts as your Christmas present this year. That way, you'll be making a proper sacrifice for men's health, saving the planet with lack of wrapping paper and giving your mates an easyout when it comes to creative crimbo pressies.
- The Platinum Club beckons - Glory has never been so achievebale! You only have to raise £500 to join this elite club and become a Mo of legend. So use this as a goal to smash over the weekend (and all of next week too!