The Arm Movember Makers


Target: £18,000
Our Motivation

Arm's global team of Mo growers, Movers and Makers, ready for the challenge of Movember!





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Previous year's posts
13 Week(s) Ago

As part of my role at Arm, I attend AWS re:Invent. This year for Giving Tuesday on December 3rd, they had a Movember Barbershop. To support the cause and wrap up a successful Movember, I stoped by for a trim from Caesar, a local barber in Las Vegas!

Previous year's posts
13 Week(s) Ago

As part of my role at Arm, I attend AWS re:Invent. This year for Giving Tuesday on December 3rd, they had a Movember Barbershop. To support the cause and wrap up a successful Movember, I stoped by for a trim from Caesar, a local barber in Las Vegas!

69 Week(s) Ago

This year I dyed my mo and eyebrows pink as I promised I would last year if I achieved my objective. I've proved over 9 years I can grow a mo from zero, so this year I will mostly focus in a physical and mental health challenge. Please donate to my personal fundraising if you like what you see!!

69 Week(s) Ago

This year I dyed my mo and eyebrows pink as I promised I would last year if I achieved my objective. I've proved over 9 years I can grow a mo from zero, so this year I will mostly focus in a physical and mental health challenge. Please donate to my personal fundraising if you like what you see!!

69 Week(s) Ago

A big thank you and good luck to all Arm colleagues participating in Movember this year! We're off to a strong start. Team Arm is here to support you with your fundraising efforts, so get in touch if you need anything.

69 Week(s) Ago

A big thank you and good luck to all Arm colleagues participating in Movember this year! We're off to a strong start. Team Arm is here to support you with your fundraising efforts, so get in touch if you need anything.

70 Week(s) Ago

Glad to join this movement again after a gap of few years. Also started 2 days late this year. Let's see if my Mo can catch up during the next days....

70 Week(s) Ago

Glad to join this movement again after a gap of few years. Also started 2 days late this year. Let's see if my Mo can catch up during the next days....

118 Week(s) Ago

Well done, Team Arm Cambridge! You beat us (Team Arm San Jose) by a glorious 0.36% - this year. Enjoy your well-deserved victory while it lasts. We'll be back!

118 Week(s) Ago

Well done, Team Arm Cambridge! You beat us (Team Arm San Jose) by a glorious 0.36% - this year. Enjoy your well-deserved victory while it lasts. We'll be back!

119 Week(s) Ago

Just five days left until the end of Movember. Keep those donations coming in! As a reminder, the deadline to get your donations in for matching will be Sunday 4 December and all donations will be matched on Monday 5 December.

119 Week(s) Ago

Just five days left until the end of Movember. Keep those donations coming in! As a reminder, the deadline to get your donations in for matching will be Sunday 4 December and all donations will be matched on Monday 5 December.

122 Week(s) Ago

It's go time! Brilliant to see that we're off to a great start with fundraising. If anyone has any unusual or innovative plans to raise funds this year, drop me a message - I'd love to hear about them!

Head over to the Team Arm blog to see more about Arm's Movember campaign.

122 Week(s) Ago

It's go time! Brilliant to see that we're off to a great start with fundraising. If anyone has any unusual or innovative plans to raise funds this year, drop me a message - I'd love to hear about them!

Head over to the Team Arm blog to see more about Arm's Movember campaign.

125 Week(s) Ago

Welcome back/welcome to Arm's Movember fundraising site, everyone! Last year (2021), we raised over £40,000 - let's see if we can beat that this year. We'll be kicking off in just over two weeks, so get your fundraising pages set up and make sure to join a team (whether that's your office, or your group etc). Here we go!!

125 Week(s) Ago

Welcome back/welcome to Arm's Movember fundraising site, everyone! Last year (2021), we raised over £40,000 - let's see if we can beat that this year. We'll be kicking off in just over two weeks, so get your fundraising pages set up and make sure to join a team (whether that's your office, or your group etc). Here we go!!

175 Week(s) Ago

Ready... set... Mo!
Personalise your Mo space – Add photos, videos or personal stories. The best, and most successful, Mo Space pages are the ones that are updated regularly!

Set a target - and don’t be afraid to move the goal posts when you hit that amount in no time at all! Remember to tell your colleagues and loved ones if your target increases so they know what you are striving for.

Don’t be afraid to make the first move – Your loved ones may be shy when it comes to making the first donation, so why not make the first donation anonymously to prompt others to follow suit!

175 Week(s) Ago

Ready... set... Mo!
Personalise your Mo space – Add photos, videos or personal stories. The best, and most successful, Mo Space pages are the ones that are updated regularly!

Set a target - and don’t be afraid to move the goal posts when you hit that amount in no time at all! Remember to tell your colleagues and loved ones if your target increases so they know what you are striving for.

Don’t be afraid to make the first move – Your loved ones may be shy when it comes to making the first donation, so why not make the first donation anonymously to prompt others to follow suit!

176 Week(s) Ago

Just over one week to Mo! Movember is all about raising awareness (and $$$) around mental health, suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer – common health concerns for men. There will be plenty to learn and lots of opportunities to get involved on the Wellbeing Hub. You can also sign up to the Arm Movember page and start fundraising by growing, moving or hosting! All funds will be matched by Arm!

176 Week(s) Ago

Just over one week to Mo! Movember is all about raising awareness (and $$$) around mental health, suicide prevention, prostate cancer and testicular cancer – common health concerns for men. There will be plenty to learn and lots of opportunities to get involved on the Wellbeing Hub. You can also sign up to the Arm Movember page and start fundraising by growing, moving or hosting! All funds will be matched by Arm!

222 Week(s) Ago


We hope you have enjoyed the Movember period as much as we have and want to extend a massive thank you to everyone who has donated, hosted, moved and of course grown for Movember 2020. It's all to support a brilliant cause, but we're sure you'll join us in saying that we have felt that it has had a positive impact on Arm, bringing us closer together and encouraging us to speak at a time where we are working from home and at times can feel isolated. We hope this period has inspired to reach out to colleagues and loved ones, and until next year, Happy Movember Arm!

222 Week(s) Ago


We hope you have enjoyed the Movember period as much as we have and want to extend a massive thank you to everyone who has donated, hosted, moved and of course grown for Movember 2020. It's all to support a brilliant cause, but we're sure you'll join us in saying that we have felt that it has had a positive impact on Arm, bringing us closer together and encouraging us to speak at a time where we are working from home and at times can feel isolated. We hope this period has inspired to reach out to colleagues and loved ones, and until next year, Happy Movember Arm!

223 Week(s) Ago

Movember 2020 - only a week to go!
It’s the beginning of week 4, can you believe it? Just over one week left of Movember fun. It feels like everyone is finally getting the grove of things, with some strong moustaches coming along, move for Movember targets being hit and people are coffee rouletting left right and centre...

Movember fundraising update

Last week we passed the £10K mark and at the time of writing have hit a fantastic:

£13,459 (£26,918 including Team Arm matching!)

You can keep up with Arm’s total here. A massive well done to everybody involved, you’re all doing such a good job!

223 Week(s) Ago

Movember 2020 - only a week to go!
It’s the beginning of week 4, can you believe it? Just over one week left of Movember fun. It feels like everyone is finally getting the grove of things, with some strong moustaches coming along, move for Movember targets being hit and people are coffee rouletting left right and centre...

Movember fundraising update

Last week we passed the £10K mark and at the time of writing have hit a fantastic:

£13,459 (£26,918 including Team Arm matching!)

You can keep up with Arm’s total here. A massive well done to everybody involved, you’re all doing such a good job!

224 Week(s) Ago

It's the last 7 days to Movember. This is my 4th year as a Mo-SIsta and I am so happy to be able to aid a greater impact, with every passing year.

This year, I started off with a target of 100km of moving. I am at 136km already, so have increased the target to 150km. And those movements are, without considering all the workout I have done, in the live and recorded fitness sessions, offered by the wellbeing team. It has been a great Mo-month!

I would also like to thank everyone who have participated this year and there are really impressive moustaches out there. Good job!

224 Week(s) Ago

It's the last 7 days to Movember. This is my 4th year as a Mo-SIsta and I am so happy to be able to aid a greater impact, with every passing year.

This year, I started off with a target of 100km of moving. I am at 136km already, so have increased the target to 150km. And those movements are, without considering all the workout I have done, in the live and recorded fitness sessions, offered by the wellbeing team. It has been a great Mo-month!

I would also like to thank everyone who have participated this year and there are really impressive moustaches out there. Good job!

225 Week(s) Ago

Can you believe we are already halfway through the hairiest month of the year? Thanks so much to everyone for your continued support and contributions. I’m happy to announce that so far we have raised:

£7,922 (a whopping £15,844 with Team Arm matching!)​​​​​​

Check out the Arm Yammer channel for updates and some weird and wonderful Mo progress photos:

225 Week(s) Ago

Can you believe we are already halfway through the hairiest month of the year? Thanks so much to everyone for your continued support and contributions. I’m happy to announce that so far we have raised:

£7,922 (a whopping £15,844 with Team Arm matching!)​​​​​​

Check out the Arm Yammer channel for updates and some weird and wonderful Mo progress photos:

225 Week(s) Ago

Hi fundraisers! You may have seen that we're running a Movember Coffee Roulette to raise funds this month; colleagues taking part have agreed to make a donation after having a coffee with someone new from Arm. We've left it up to individuals to choose which team/individual they'd like to donate to, so expecting lots of visitors to this page... which gives you all a great opportunity to plug your fundraisers! Feel free to post on this wall to encourage colleagues to donate to you.

225 Week(s) Ago

Hi fundraisers! You may have seen that we're running a Movember Coffee Roulette to raise funds this month; colleagues taking part have agreed to make a donation after having a coffee with someone new from Arm. We've left it up to individuals to choose which team/individual they'd like to donate to, so expecting lots of visitors to this page... which gives you all a great opportunity to plug your fundraisers! Feel free to post on this wall to encourage colleagues to donate to you.

226 Week(s) Ago

In just 5 days we have 52 Mo Space's set up so far, plus £2627 raised already (£5254 including Arm's matching!) - a huge congratulations to everyone who is already getting involved.

Remember to join the Movember Yammer group for updates, events, stories and photos!

226 Week(s) Ago

In just 5 days we have 52 Mo Space's set up so far, plus £2627 raised already (£5254 including Arm's matching!) - a huge congratulations to everyone who is already getting involved.

Remember to join the Movember Yammer group for updates, events, stories and photos!

226 Week(s) Ago

Happy Movember everyone! We're off to a flying start with donations of £1,689 across Arm already in just three days! All these funds will be matched by Arm :) please do share any activities, stories, funny Mo photos, etc. here!

226 Week(s) Ago

Happy Movember everyone! We're off to a flying start with donations of £1,689 across Arm already in just three days! All these funds will be matched by Arm :) please do share any activities, stories, funny Mo photos, etc. here!

228 Week(s) Ago

1 week to Mo!
1. Grow – Cultivate an amazing moustache in true Movember fashion. Even bad moustaches can start important mental health convos!
2. Move – Run or walk 60 miles over the month, for the 60 men globally who take their own lives every hour
3. Host – Bring your teams together! From lunch & learns to virtual gatherings, organising a simple event will certainly bring some fun
4. Mo Your Own Way – For those who want to fundraise in a unique way, do an epic challenge, give up a guilty pleasure, complete a crazy dare. Sky is the limit!

Find out more:

228 Week(s) Ago

1 week to Mo!
1. Grow – Cultivate an amazing moustache in true Movember fashion. Even bad moustaches can start important mental health convos!
2. Move – Run or walk 60 miles over the month, for the 60 men globally who take their own lives every hour
3. Host – Bring your teams together! From lunch & learns to virtual gatherings, organising a simple event will certainly bring some fun
4. Mo Your Own Way – For those who want to fundraise in a unique way, do an epic challenge, give up a guilty pleasure, complete a crazy dare. Sky is the limit!

Find out more:

229 Week(s) Ago

3 weeks to Mo!!

229 Week(s) Ago

3 weeks to Mo!!

275 Week(s) Ago

Team ARM FRANCE did an awesome Movember Move this week!
Thanks to all participants.

275 Week(s) Ago

Team ARM FRANCE did an awesome Movember Move this week!
Thanks to all participants.

Note: As donations can be made privately, not all donations are displayed to the public.