Scientist in laboratory performing prostate cancer research.
The Movember community made all these incredible projects possible.Image by: Andrew Maguire
Scientist in laboratory performing prostate cancer research.
23 June 2022

7 prostate cancer projects that your donations funded in the UK

3 minutes read time

Since 2006, Movember has invested more than £197million to support a total of 631 projects in prostate cancer biomedical research globally. In that time, we have funded the development of 54 inventions, 70 therapies and 107 diagnostic tests for prostate cancer. Here’s a look at our top 7 project highlights in the UK:

British men in worldwide trial for prostate cancer home test kit

Thousands of men worldwide are trialling a home test kit for prostate cancer following pioneering research funded by Movember. The Prostate Urine Risk (PUR) test, which was developed by a UK team, helps doctors decide whether men who have already been diagnosed with the disease are likely to need active treatment within the next five years. The Prostate Screening Box is being tested on men in the UK, Italy, Germany, and Canada. It could revolutionise diagnosis and may be available to men within the next three years. Tell me more.

Understanding why Black men have twice the risk of prostate cancer

Black men are twice as likely as other men to be diagnosed with prostate cancer. Now, we're closer to understanding why, thanks to a major new study led by scientists in the US and the UK. Researchers have identified 86 new genetic changes that could pick out men who might benefit from earlier and more regular screening. Tell me more.

Sparing unnecessary worry for men with prostate cancer

Men Like Me is a simple, online questionnaire that takes less than 30 seconds to complete and allows British men living with prostate cancer to compare their experiences with other men who have gone through similar treatment. Tell me more.

The search for new prostate cancer tests

Using tissue samples donated by hundreds of men over the last two decades, Movember-funded researchers hope to identify more accurate ways of distinguishing between aggressive cancers and slow-growing ones. The hope is that this research will lead to new tests that can predict how a man’s prostate cancer will develop over time, so doctors can decide on the right treatment. Tell me more.

Remotely monitoring men to improve their quality of life

We’re funding a new study, taking place at Guys & St. Thomas Hospital, London, UK that is testing whether remotely monitoring men with advanced prostate cancer could mean they suffer less pain and anxiety and be less likely to be hospitalised. Men who are taking part in the IRONMAN EMPRO sub-study will be asked to complete a simple online questionnaire on their health once a month. The system will automatically trigger follow-up calls from a man’s clinician if his health begins to fail. Find out more.

The first precision medicine for prostate cancer

Olaparib is a precision medicine that has been proven to extend survival for some men with advanced prostate cancer. The breakthrough is the culmination of a decade of research involving collaboration between scientific teams around the world and supported by funding from Movember. Olaparib was recommended for use in Scotland in September 2021. However, men in England still can’t access it, as it was turned down by NICE in February 2022. Tell me more.

Can exercise slow the progression of advanced prostate cancer?

We all know exercise is good for us, makes us feel better and even cope with cancer treatment. But could it be used to actually slow the progression of advanced prostate cancer and extend men’s lives? Movember’s GAP4 study is looking to answer this question. This trial is taking place in 30 sites around the world including five in the UK. Here we chat to one of the men taking part in GAP 4.