Award ceremony for Movember 2022
Mo Awards 2022Image by: Movember
Award ceremony for Movember 2022
Movember Iconic Mo Logo made out of lights.
A group of people at a party with a moustache logo on the wall.
10 March 2022


2 minutes read time

Here are the amazing winners of 2022.

To recognise their sheer dedication to the Mo, more than 450 of Movember’s top fundraisers from across the country joined us at The Oval Space on Thursday 3rd March to help us celebrate the hugely successful year of 2021.

10 awards were presented across the evening to those who went above and beyond in the name of the moustache. A full list of winners can be found below. 

Movember would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who made the night happen; Pringles and Olly’s; our beer suppliers, Lucky Saint, Brewing Brothers, Beer Hawk, Brewdog, and Wainwright for kindly donating product that kept our craft beer bar fully-stocked. Beefsteak Club Wines, Glenmorangie, Belvedere, Sipsmith, Bulldog,Strykk, Coca-Cola and Schweppes who also provided drinks.

A massive special mention should also go to our fabulous Gallery of Mo artists Graeme Ross, Luke O’Brien, Marina Suprunova, and Dimitrios Filippas who offered guests a fab mo-mento in the form of portraits featuring them with moustaches.

" Congratulations to everyone - our wonderful winners and all the brilliant nominees who made the shortlist. We salute you all. "

From all of us at Movember, thank you so much for all your support. We look forward to celebrating an even more successful 2022! 

Mo Awards Winners:

Fine Growth Award  Matthew Johns  

Going the Distance Award Simon Davidson   

Havin’ Fun, Doin’ Good Award Cornwall Fire and Rescue Service  

Mo Your Own Way Award  Dan Alldis

Inspiration Award Toby King

Team Movember Award Hashtag United

Showing How it’s Done Award Anna Malan

Changing the Face of Men’s Health Award Fraser Macdonald Lister

Rookie of the Year Award  Marie Kretz

Services to the Mo University of Exeter and Dave Goreham

Congratulations to everyone - our wonderful winners and all the brilliant nominees who made the shortlist. We salute you all.

To see a full list of nominees - and the extraordinary lengths they went to support men's health - click here.