7 October 2020

Ed’s story: Self-care is paramount

Mo Bro
Ed Brown
2 minutes read time

“It's not a conversation starter so I don't talk about it much (well not in public anyway). I tried to take my own life in 2015. I got to such a low point and I felt like I was in such an awful mess. I really felt like I had no other choice.

Life felt like it had gotten too much for me to handle. I honestly believed the world would be a better place without me. I was prepared to selfishly leave my beautiful young family behind. I was in a continual loop that I couldn’t get out of. I had stopped talking to my support network and therefore everyone thought I was fine, or at least that is what I told them.

I definitely fell into the trap of believing that mental health is something to be ashamed of. Most men I know are guilty of this. Society unfortunately projects an image of what we should be. We need to be strong, providers - don’t cry or show any emotion.

" I definitely fell into the trap of believing that mental health is something to be ashamed of. "

Unfortunately, this a recipe for absolute disaster. It is so important to reach out and tell people how we feel. I have rebuilt my network of support; I journal every day and do things that make me feel good daily.

Exercise is one of those things. I also know when to H.A.L.T. If I am hungry, angry, lonely, or feeling tired I know I need to make self-care paramount- I need to eat, talk about my feelings, reach out, or simply have a rest.

My life is a million miles away from where it was. Being involved with Movember has been an instrumental part of that. Hopefully sharing my story will help someone else. I truly believe that we keep what we have by giving it away.”