Lady with a pink mosutache, man on bike, girl and dog
Tinecke, Jamie and Ellie & PoppyImage by: PwC
Lady with a pink mosutache, man on bike, girl and dog
28 June 2021

£78,000 rasied for Movember: PwC set the bar high for business Mo's

2 minutes read time

It started with PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Chief Financial Officer, Warwick Hunt, telling team members why supporting Movember and mental health is so important to him personally, and ended in 385 employees across 36 teams raising an incredible £78,000 for Movember.

" What followed was an incredible movement across the business and the UK, all in the name of men’s health. "

PwC’s Movember campaign kicked off with a brilliant conversation between Warwick, Rugby legend Sean Fitzpatrick and our very own Sarah Coghlan (Global Director Men's Health Promotion). 700 of PwC’s people dialled in to the discussion, which covered the upcoming Bledisloe cup game (Sean was surprisingly backing the All Blacks), the pressure Sean felt being All Black captain and of course how men - and rugby men in particular - aren’t great at talking to each other about the important stuff. Tinecke Wilson (Wellbeing Lead) said that the event “helped motivate everyone and kick started the month”.

What followed was an incredible movement across the business and the UK, all in the name of men’s health.

PwC tied in their internal communications for the month with Movember, focusing on raising awareness of men’s health (prostate and testicular cancer, and the importance of exercise), staying connected (Movember Conversations and Family Man), Spot the signs and highlighting what impact the funds raised had.

To engage their teams PwC also encouraged a Move for Movember challenge, asking teams to work together through solo runs or rides to cover 60km (to represent the number of men who sadly take their own life every hour) - all dressed in garb similar to that worn on the distinguished gentleman's ride. Please see the attached for photos.

Alongside all of this, we of course also saw some epic, beautiful and also some challenged moustaches across the business - Warwick even competed on the mo’ with Sean!

The month ended with a talk from Movember ambassador and all-round Movember legend Elvin Box, which brought home why PwC were supporting Movember.

PwC embraced Movember’s ethos of “having fun while doing good”. Most importantly taking part in Movember resulted in more conversations, indeed Tinecke said “It was great to see the engagement across the business, people were looking out for each other, especially during Lockdown. We loved it”.

Thank you to all the staff at PwC, you absolutely smashed it, we salute you and we’re excited to continue working with you into the future.