The Real Face of Men’s Health report
Take a look at what men's health really looks like. And what it means for men, and everyone around them.
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The experiences
We listened to countless stories. Men not knowing the risks, leaving it too late to seek professional healthcare, or having a poor experience when they do, and much more. All to create a clearer picture of men's health.
The impact
Men's health doesn't just affect men alone. Every day, we hear from wives, mothers, sisters, partners, mates, neighbours, children, teachers and doctors. Their stories, along with men's, create the real face of men's health.
The benefits
Preventing avoidable conditions in men and improving the day-to-day lives of men and those closest to them can save the UK billions.
Numbers don't lie
Some stats we must fix.
64% of men wait more than seven days with symptoms before visiting the doctor.
Almost two in five (39%) UK men die prematurely, before they are 75 years old.
A boy born in the UK in 2021 can expect to live four years less than a girl.
Where men live predicts how long they live
Our interactive map lays out new data on premature mortality in every UK parliamentary constituency.