Man running
Anil Toraty will run 465km next monthImage by: Movember
Man running
2 July 2024

Mo Bro Anil Toraty carries the Olympic Torch

2 minutes read time

I’m no stranger when it comes to anxiety and panic attacks. In my 20s, I suffered from depression. I also started having suicidal thoughts until my early thirties which, fortunately, at the time, I managed to overcome. However, that doesn’t necessarily mean you will find it easier next time as I have recently found out after a ten-year relationship came to an end which turned my world upside down.

I lost confidence in myself and as time went on self-doubt started to creep in. Was I good enough? Was I good enough as a boyfriend? An employee? As a person? Turns out I was leading three lives. One where I was trying to save what I thought was left in my relationship. Another where I was pushing myself at work and running myself into the ground. And finally, the one I felt was the most real – a life full of sadness and heartbreak, constant overthinking clouded by anger and frustration. I was trying to compartmentalise each life so that I could function at a level I thought was my best. Only through my counselling sessions, I was able to work through some of my battles. I’ve learnt a lot about myself this year from understanding balance to recognizing the importance of self-care and well-being.

" I’ve learnt a lot about myself this year from understanding balance to recognizing the importance of self-care and well-being. "

Running to me is my coping mechanism for managing my anxiety and this year especially, it is helping me overcome a really challenging chapter in my life.

Why did you decide to support Movember?

Back when I was living in Australia, I started working with Beyond Blue – an Australian mental health and wellbeing support organisation – and was part of their advisory board, developing new programs to support people with depression. When I finally moved to the UK, I wanted to get involved with a mental health charity again and Movember felt the perfect fit for me.

I have the ultimate respect for all mental health charities, but Movember’s focus on Men’s health really hits home. To this day, men still barely talk about how they feel, what they are going through in life and the difficulties they experience when trying to open up.